Kids food recipes

Kids eat simple and colorful food. This isn’t a new thing you are hearing but I know it’s heck of a work to put together those colors that your kids would enjoy eating. I feel with you. Some of the fellow moms share that they are sad their children don’t eat well.

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Dealing with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are one of the most bothersome and common issues that pregnant women face. Many times women are ashamed to talk about it. Ladies, don’t suffer in silence. There are ways to get some relief and in the long run get it cured. Check it out!

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The Mindful Mother

Cute little eyes look at me. My son smiles sweetly. It’s 7:30 am in the morning. He’s up earlier than usual. Today is the day of his regular health check. Wow! Time flies. He is 10 months old. He seems to plan his day with me. What do I mean by that? Read on.

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Closing bone ritual

A ritual to celebrate the power of motherhood, a way to thank women’s body for bringing a life on this earth. Did you know of such a ritual or believe there is one?

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Birth Plan

Creating a birth plan is one of the important preparation pregnant women has to do to ensure her birth wishes and requirements are clearly stated.

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Rio's birth

Titled along the lines of birth stories shared in Ina May’s book “Guide to childbirth”. It’s a great book if you are looking for information about natural birth.

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